Our honey is raw, unfiltered & delicious. Pure honey will not spoil unless it is contaminated with another substance. Our raw unfiltered honey naturally contains pollen, propolis, wax flakes & natural enzymes. It is great for seasonal allergies & is a natural antibiotic.
Raw unfiltered honey naturally has wax flakes which are not only harmless but actually beneficial.
Raw honey is a natural product & may crystallize. It may be eaten as is or re-liquefied by placing the container in near boiling water.

Our orange blossom honey is harvested in early spring after the oranges bloom. It is a light, sweet & delicious honey. Great for teas & baking & just eating with a spoon.

Our starthistle honey is harvested in late summer after the starthistle gives its nectar. It is wonderfully smooth & very unique in flavor.

Our wildflower honey is the one that tastes most like the tradition honey found in stores. It is great for teas & coffees & great for allergies.